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95-hectare solar park inaugurated in the district of Meißen

View of the solar modules at the Zeithain solar park / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
View of the solar modules at the Zeithain solar park / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

It covers an area equivalent to around 133 soccer pitches and can supply around 25,000 households with green electricity every year: the Zeithain solar park was opened in the district of Meißen on Wednesday. "The new photovoltaic plant in Zeithain is an important component of our energy transition," said Saxony's Energy Minister Wolfram Günther (Greens) on site on Wednesday. The solar park provides green electricity for a region with energy-intensive industrial operations.

One of the largest solar parks in the district was built in nine construction phases between 2016 and 2024. The former military site, which was extensively renovated, is now making an important contribution to the energy transition. The electricity generated is fed into the public grid via a specially built transformer station.

The project developer Enerparc also emphasized the positive impact of the plant on the environment and habitats. The necessary compensatory measures in Zeithain had led to the undisturbed development of animal and plant habitats. In addition, rare species, some of which are endangered, were not affected by the construction. As the facility is inaccessible to the public, it can be assumed that their populations will continue to grow in the future.

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