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Dresden funicular back in operation with a new TÜV certificate

A funicular railroad carriage pulls new sleepers with an attached carriage on the line between the Dresden district of Loschwitz and Weißer Hirsch as part of the main inspection (photo taken with a drone). / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa/Archivbild
A funicular railroad carriage pulls new sleepers with an attached carriage on the line between the Dresden district of Loschwitz and Weißer Hirsch as part of the main inspection (photo taken with a drone). / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa/Archivbild

After a break of almost two months, Dresden's historic funicular railroad will be running on schedule again from Saturday. According to the city's transport company, the regular special inspection, which is due every ten years, did not result in any complaints from the TÜV. Both carriages received new springs for their brakes and ten additional hinged windows for better ventilation in summer. In addition, a total of six old sleepers on the track were replaced. The work reportedly cost a total of 270,000 euros.

The funicular has connected the Loschwitz district with the higher-lying Weißer Hirsch district since 1895. At around 550 meters in length, it overcomes a 95-meter difference in altitude; the driverless ride takes five minutes. It and the neighboring oldest mountain suspension railroad in the world - its rails are mounted on a girder - are listed buildings. They are among the landmarks of the city on the Elbe and are both a means of transport and a tourist attraction.

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