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Only six rail video travel centers in the southeast

A person stands in a video travel center and receives personal advice via video / Photo: Bernd Weißbrod/dpa
A person stands in a video travel center and receives personal advice via video / Photo: Bernd Weißbrod/dpa

Personal advice when booking a rail journey, even when the travel center is closed? Video services make it possible. But the south-east has some catching up to do.

If you want to buy a train ticket in the south-east, you can also use Deutsche Bahn (DB) video travel centers. However, the choice is extremely limited. According to Deutsche Bahn, there are four locations in Thuringia in Bad Langensalza, Heiligenstadt, Leinefelde and Apolda. In Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt, there is only one location each in Markkleeberg and Wolmirstedt.

The frontrunner in this service, where DB employees advise customers in a similar way to a travel center - only via screens in a video call - is Baden-Württemberg with 55 locations, followed by Bavaria (38) and North Rhine-Westphalia (30). You can follow the work on the monitor. Payment can be made in cash or by card. Connection information and tickets are printed out immediately.

The first video travel centers were opened on the Black Forest Railway in 2013. There are now 143 throughout Germany. "We are constantly opening more video travel centers," said a DB spokesperson. These would be used by customers regardless of age. According to Deutsche Bahn, tourists or occasional travelers who are not very familiar with the local fare network, for example, often prefer personal advice via video conference to using a ticket machine.

The employees in the video travel centers work in shifts. This means they can be open much longer and also offer personal advice outside of traditional opening hours.

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