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Number of forest fires in Saxony at a similar level to 2023

The current forest fire season has so far differed from the average in the months of April, June and July. (Archive photo) / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
The current forest fire season has so far differed from the average in the months of April, June and July. (Archive photo) / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

The 2024 forest fire season shows unusual developments in Saxony. Special measures and human behavior play a decisive role.

The number of forest fires reported in Saxony so far this year is roughly at the same level as last year, according to preliminary statistics from the state enterprise Sachsenforst. "A total of 57 forest fires have been reported so far in 2024, which is only slightly below the same time last year," says Sachsenforst spokesman Renke Coordes. A total of 58 forest fires were reported to the state-owned company last year. However, according to Coordes, "there may well have been fires this year that have not yet been reported".

The total area affected so far this year is 6.4 hectares, which is significantly less than in previous years. However, a comparison based on individual large fires, which dominate the statistics, is hardly meaningful. "The current forest fire season deviates from the average in the months of April, June and July," explains Coordes.

Spring with increased risk

In April, the high temperatures led to an increased risk of forest fires, resulting in more fires than the average of previous years. For example, 15 forest fires were reported last April, compared to only two fires in 2023. In June and July, on the other hand, more frequent precipitation led to a lower risk of forest fires. Accordingly, only four forest fires have been reported in July so far, which is significantly lower than the figures for previous years (2023: 36; 2022: 82).

Human activity as the main cause

According to Coordes, the number of forest fires generally correlates with the forest fire risk. "More fires are lit when the risk of forest fires is high than when the risk is low." However, as the majority of fires are caused by human activity, the risk of forest fires is often not the causal factor. "If we act responsibly, fires usually do not occur even when the risk of forest fires is high," Coordes emphasizes.

Prevention measures and their limits

Forest fire prevention measures such as the construction of cisterns and the procurement of extinguishing materials generally have no effect on the occurrence of forest fires. "These measures only take effect when fighting and containing fires that have already occurred." However, the new procurements have already been used successfully in several cases this year.

In the particularly endangered northern regions of Saxony, forest fires are detected using an automated camera-supported early detection system. This system has been in use for several years and enables fires to be detected and extinguished quickly.

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