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Car rolls into the Elbe in Dresden and sinks: Search unsuccessful

A blue light shines on the roof of a fire engine / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa-Zentralbild/ZB/Symbolic image
A blue light shines on the roof of a fire engine / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa-Zentralbild/ZB/Symbolic image

The car of a 27-year-old man rolled into the Elbe and sank in the Dresden district of Laubegast. According to the fire department on Monday, the driver parked his car for a short time on the Laubegast riverbank on Sunday evening and went into a pizzeria. A short time later, passers-by came into the restaurant and told them that a car was floating in the Elbe. The man could only watch as his car sank.

The police and fire department were called out to search for the car with the help of a lifeboat. Due to the high level of the Elbe, the speed of the current and the changed course of the river, the search was reportedly difficult and was called off after around an hour. According to the fire department, the water level of the Elbe was around 4.50 meters at the time. The water police took over the further search measures. It was initially unclear why the car had ended up in the river.

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