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More than 100 million euros for flood protection and river maintenance in Saxony

A large dam made of sandbags. / Photo: Heiko Rebsch/dpa
A large dam made of sandbags. / Photo: Heiko Rebsch/dpa

Last year, more than 100 million euros were invested in the maintenance of Saxony's state dams, flood protection and river maintenance.

In the past year, more than 100 million euros have been invested in the maintenance of Saxony's state dams, flood protection and river maintenance. "Due to the more frequent occurrence of too little or too much water, effective water management is becoming increasingly important," explained Eckehard Bielitz, Managing Director of the state dam administration, on Monday. In dry months, for example, the reservoirs can be used to cover the demand for drinking water. "During the Christmas floods, we were able to effectively cut the peak flows in many bodies of water through targeted water retention." According to Bielitz, major flood damage could have been avoided.

Of the total of 104.3 million euros in 2023, around 43 million euros alone went towards the construction and renovation of flood protection facilities. 18.7 million euros were invested in repairing flood damage to rivers and dams. 20.3 million euros were spent on the renovation and repair of dams and flood retention basins. Numerous old dykes in Saxony were also renovated. The funds come from the state, from federal programs such as national flood protection and from the European Union.

In future, according to the state dam administration, even more attention will be paid to flood retention in the floodplains of the major rivers. "Of course, this is not possible everywhere in our densely populated federal state. It is therefore all the more important to stop building on and sealing previously open areas in floodplains," demanded Bielitz.

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