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Measles cases in Saxony still under control - 15 cases in total

Children in schools, daycare centers and after-school care centers must be vaccinated against measles (symbolic image). / Photo: Friso Gentsch/dpa
Children in schools, daycare centers and after-school care centers must be vaccinated against measles (symbolic image). / Photo: Friso Gentsch/dpa

No fewer than 14 children fell ill with measles in the Vogtland region at the beginning of the year. Since then, there has only been one more case. Nevertheless, the number of cases is far higher than in 2023.

After the measles outbreak in Vogtland at the beginning of the year, there has only been one further case in Saxony. This brings the total number of cases to 15, according to the latest figures from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). Last year as a whole, the number of cases in Saxony was 2.

At the end of February, the health authority in Vogtland reported a major measles outbreak in twelve children. According to the authorities, they had not been sufficiently vaccinated. Two more cases were reported at the beginning of March. According to RKI data, a 20-year-old in the district of Bautzen fell ill in mid-July.

Already 503 cases in Germany

There have already been 503 cases across Germany this year, a similar level was last reached in 2018 (496 cases by September 9, 545 for the whole year). In 2023, there were only 79 measles cases across Germany.

North Rhine-Westphalia is the most affected state this year with 191 cases, followed at a considerable distance by Berlin (91 cases) and Bavaria (62 cases).

According to the RKI, measles is one of the most contagious infectious diseases and can lead to serious complications, especially in children in their first and second year of life. Symptoms include fever, conjunctivitis and the typical skin rash. Anyone who has had measles is immune. Vaccination is compulsory for children who attend institutions such as daycare centers, after-school care or schools.

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