"Blitz for Kids" control campaign starts on Monday
Children as speed enforcement officers - the "Blitz for Kids" campaign starts again. Primary school children hand out yellow and green cards to speeding drivers and urge them to be careful.
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Children as speed enforcement officers - the "Blitz for Kids" campaign starts again. Primary school children hand out yellow and green cards to speeding drivers and urge them to be careful.
Even though fewer cases were examined: The number of cases of child endangerment in Saxony has risen. Most of the cases involved neglect.
People with an addiction often find themselves in an emergency situation. When children live in such households, they can suffer.
Fireworks and alcohol cause numerous injuries every year. Many of those affected suffer permanent damage - including an eight-year-old boy.
The first babies of the new year have been born in Saxony. Abdullah and Bennet open the birth year 2025.
A boy wants to cross the road at a bus stop in Dresden. He is hit by a car and seriously injured. What is known about the accident so far?
On average, girls in Saxony live significantly longer than boys born in the state. And their life expectancy is also higher than that of girls in other federal states.
The idea comes from the Far East. Since 2018, Europe's Children's Biennale in Dresden has been offering boys and girls the chance to encounter and discover art - with free admission.
What do the green arrow at the traffic lights, the Halloren balls and the Sandman have in common? They all survived the long-defunct GDR. The Sandman is now celebrating a special birthday.
Elin (5) has painted the Sandman in the colors light blue, pink and purple, Matteo (6) with a dragon in his hand. The Sandman receives hundreds of pictures from kids every year.
For many young people, alcohol is part and parcel of parties, discos and leisure activities. Health experts are countering this with prevention campaigns. Does that help?
The Sandman will soon be 65 years old. A short film featuring the popular character has been produced for the first time in over 30 years to mark his birthday.
In a competition in the state parliament, pupils from grades 8 to 12 competed in the art of free speech. The best were chosen by a jury.
Many universities in Saxony offer lectures for children. In Leipzig, one of the topics is fake content on the internet.
A 19-year-old man on his bicycle collides with a child and a senior citizen - all three are injured. The police test whether drugs were involved.
Twin boom at Chemnitz Hospital: six sets of twins born since the summer are currently being cared for there. And they have even more in common.
They are committed to topics such as civil courage, coping with war trauma, inclusion and anti-bullying: five social initiatives are awarded the HanseMerkur Prize for Child Protection.
No fewer than 14 children fell ill with measles in the Vogtland region at the beginning of the year. Since then, there has only been one more case. Nevertheless, the number of cases is far higher than in 2023.
If a pregnant woman drinks alcohol, this can cause lifelong damage to her child. According to the ministry, this affects hundreds of newborns in Saxony every year.
Christa Kożik's children's book "Moritz in der Litfaßsäule" was filmed by DEFA in 1983 - and was a box-office hit in the GDR. The author is now being honored.
For first-graders in particular, the journey to school often poses a safety risk. This is also shown by a large-scale control campaign at the start of school. Many vehicles are traveling too fast.
Children and young people voted in the U18 election in Saxony - and more than one in three voted for the AfD. At the same time, a study shows that many are afraid of the party.
A few days before the state elections in Saxony, children and young people voted in a U18 election. The chairman of the Children's and Youth Ring calls the result "worrying".
When children can swim safely, the risk of swimming accidents is reduced. This is why swimming lessons cannot be started early enough.
The book "The Bunny School" was published 100 years ago and has since sold more than 2.5 million copies. Its roots lie in Saxony. Now the story is told in Erzgebirge dialect.
Leipzig University Hospital supplies premature babies with donated breast milk. But now there are gaps in the breast milk bank.
A woman presumably disregards the right of way of another car at an intersection. Three vehicles collide. Six people are injured, including three children.
In Meissen, a boy was forgotten by his father at a highway rest area until the police intervened.
Discover exciting activities for the whole family during the summer vacations in Dresden! From creative workshops to adventurous guided tours - there's something for everyone here.
Minister of Education Piwarz takes stock of all-day care in Saxony and emphasizes the good starting position for the future.
Building mud huts, weaving wicker baskets, listening to birdsong: Children and young people from Saxony got involved as "Young Nature Guards" on Saturday.
In Saxony, the schools with the most beautiful school gardens have been chosen and rewarded with prize money. As the Saxon State Ministry of Culture announced in a press release on Friday, the state winners, the Cossebaude secondary school in Dresden and the International Grammar School in Meerane, ..
Several studies show that the reading skills of children in Germany are deteriorating. An innovative project at Chemnitz University of Technology has tackled this problem: CLELO, a non-profit research project headed by Prof. Dr. Herbert Endres.
Just a few days before the European and local elections, children and young people were able to vote in the U18 election. Strikingly, the result in Saxony deviates significantly from the nationwide trend.
AfD receives the most votes in simulated European and local elections for young people in Saxony. Results also show nationwide comparisons.
Just a few days before the European and local elections, children and young people were able to vote in the U18 election. Strikingly, the result in Saxony deviates significantly from the nationwide trend.
After the number of cases fell during the coronavirus pandemic, more people in Saxony are now becoming infected with whooping cough again. More than half of those infected are children.
International artists and children create visions of peace, community and sustainability at the Japanisches Palais in Dresden. An interactive exhibition for the whole family.
Every fifth child in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia is considered poor. A fundraising campaign by Diakonie aims to give them a vacation.
Saxony's schools are to become fit for the future. To this end, the Ministry of Education has developed a plan that includes a number of innovations. Will there be more alternatives to school grades in future?
More than 32,000 people support demands for better conditions in Saxony's kindergartens.
Special animal children at Hoyerswerda Zoo: a spherical armadillo and a tree spiny lizard.
Police check speed with pupils at selected elementary school in Saxony as part of the "Blitz for Kids" campaign.
Cultural program in the historic concert garden of the zoo accompanies the European Football Championship in Leipzig with offers for children and adults.
73% of children in Saxony live with siblings, while 27% live as single children. Differences between urban and rural areas and between married and unmarried adults.
Many lessons were canceled at schools in Saxony in the first half of the year. Secondary schools and special schools were particularly affected. The Ministry of Culture has an explanation.
31 newcomers take up voluntary service - 12 young people are appointed assistants. Park railroad tours the Great Garden until October.
The measles outbreak among children in Vogtland has spread. Two more children have fallen ill this week, the district office announced on Friday in response to an inquiry. We are talking about mild cases of the disease. It is highly likely that they were in contact with the two previously affected f ..
Since 2020, children who go to kindergarten or school must be immune to measles. However, not all parents vaccinate their children, as a recent outbreak has shown. They face fines.
Children in Vogtland fall ill with measles due to lack of vaccination. Health department takes measures.
For some years now, children attending kindergarten or school have been required to show proof of vaccination against measles. However, this is not always the case.
The state capital's new funding model for private and independent nurseries was the subject of much controversy. Operators feared drastic consequences. Now the city council has made concessions to them.
The Robert Koch Institute counted no measles cases in Saxony in the whole of 2023. However, there has now been a major outbreak of the infectious disease in the state.
Brandenburg wants to provide better support for children and young people who have been victims of sexual abuse. The state parliament spoke out in favor of examining a Childhood House.
Saxony wants to make children and young people better equipped to deal with digital media. "For young people, being online is now the norm. In addition to the many opportunities that the digital transformation brings with it, the digital space also harbors dangers and risks," explained Social Affair ..
The Poisons Information Center warns of the danger of confusing food supplements in the form of fruit gums with normal sweets. Children could snack on these in large quantities. There are also fruit gums for adults with psychoactive substances.
The number of children and young people being treated in hospital for alcohol abuse is increasing again in Saxony. In the previous year, 984 girls and boys under the age of 20 were taken to hospital due to alcohol intoxication.
On Saturday (5:30 p.m.), the children's and youth film festival "Schlingel" in Chemnitz will end with a grand awards ceremony. A total of 23 prizes will be awarded, including the European Children's Film Prize and the main prize of the Saxon State Institute for Private Broadcasting and New Media. There are 57 feature-length films and 69 short films in competition. The festival is already its 28th edition.
Since 1996, the "Schlingel" has been attracting young film fans and professional visitors from Germany and abroad to Saxony. According to the organizers, 171 films from 54 countries were selected from around 1200 productions for this year's event.
The children's and youth film festival "Schlingel" is expected to attract up to 25,000 visitors to Chemnitz this weekend. 171 films from 54 countries will be shown, including eight world premieres. These include the remake of the cult children's series "Spuk unterm Riesenrad", which will be shown to ..
Around 53% of under-threes in Saxony were cared for in daycare centers in 2022. This is significantly above the national average of 36%.
The children's and youth film festival "Schlingel" attracts this year with eight world premieres, including the remake of the classic "Spuk unterm Riesenrad". The flick will be presented on September 24 in the presence of several actors and director Thomas Stuber, informed festival director Michael ..
The automobile manufacturer Porsche has expanded its promotion of young talent in Leipzig with an experience workshop. The aim is to give children and young people from grades 3 to 9 playful access to mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology (MINT), Porsche announced on Monday. ..