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Numerous cases of whooping cough in daycare centers and schools in Chemnitz

A pediatrician vaccinates a child / Photo: Julian Stratenschulte/Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH/dpa
A pediatrician vaccinates a child / Photo: Julian Stratenschulte/Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH/dpa

An unusually high number of cases of whooping cough have been reported from schools and nurseries in Chemnitz. A total of 33 cases have already been reported this year, compared to only 24 in the entire previous year, as the city administration reported on Friday. In the past three weeks alone, eight facilities have been affected.

Parents have therefore been called upon to check their children's vaccinations. According to the information, whooping cough can lead to complications such as pneumonia and middle ear infections - and rarely to damage to the brain due to a lack of oxygen. According to the Robert Koch Institute, the pathogens are transmitted by droplet infection all year round. The disease is highly contagious.

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