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Dialect campaign: Saxony wants to celebrate its dialects

The Saxons are confident about their dialect - a campaign is now making this clear. (Photo illustration) / Photo: Peter Kneffel/dpa
The Saxons are confident about their dialect - a campaign is now making this clear. (Photo illustration) / Photo: Peter Kneffel/dpa

The Saxons are often ridiculed for their dialect. But now the Free State wants to make a virtue of necessity and let its various dialects have their say in a campaign.

Saxon dialect should no longer be the cause of ridicule and malice. Under the slogan "Saxon for everyone!", the Free State wants to present the various dialects of the population in a humorous way in a campaign and at the same time promote the federal state.

"With the new campaign, we want to celebrate our dialect. Because it is a part of Saxon identity and means home, pride, familiarity and diversity," explained Minister President Michael Kretschmer (CDU). In his opinion, there is no such thing as a single Saxon dialect. The dialects are as diverse as the regions.

"But what unites us all: We love our dialect. We carry it in our hearts and confidently on our tongues. It is important to preserve this richness," says Kretschmer.

Five language areas in Saxony

The dialect campaign focuses on the various Saxon dialects. For example, a new image film takes up the topic of communication despite regional differences in a humorous way. There is also a specially designed website, scientific background information on language development and history.

Experts divide the region into five
different language areas: the Leipzig area with the related Ostland language area to the north, the Upper Saxon-Missen language area with its center in Dresden, Vogtland and Erzgebirge in the southwest and Upper Lusatian in the east.

According to the State Chancellery, the various films, clips and other editorial content will be shown on "saechsisch-fuer-alle.de" and on the social media channels of the "So geht sächsisch" image campaign (YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Tiktok) in the coming weeks and months.

In addition, various projects with successful "dialect fluencers", but also with "grande dames and grand seigneurs of the Saxon dialect" are in the works.

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