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Camping boom in Saxony: overnight stays increase significantly

Guests spent significantly more nights at Saxony's campsites last year / Photo: Martin Schutt/dpa/Symbolic image
Guests spent significantly more nights at Saxony's campsites last year / Photo: Martin Schutt/dpa/Symbolic image

Saxony recorded a significant increase in the number of overnight camping stays in 2023. In terms of price, the Free State is in the middle of the pack in Germany.

Guests spent significantly more nights at Saxony's campsites last year. In 2023, there were around 1.1 million overnight stays - almost 200,000 more than in the previous year, according to figures from the State Statistical Office in Kamenz. In a ten-year comparison, the number has more than doubled (2013: 511,000). According to the Federal Statistical Office, campsites across Germany counted 42.3 million overnight stays by tourists last year - 5.2 percent more than in the previous year.

In terms of prices, Saxony was in the midfield for camping holidaymakers in a Germany-wide comparison. An average of 25.98 euros per overnight stay was charged, as calculated by the Camping.Info portal on the basis of the information provided by the operators listed there. In Bavaria, 106 campsites can be found on the portal. The national average was 27.52 euros per night. Campers paid the most in Hamburg (40.74 euros) and the least in Thuringia (23.23 euros).

According to the State Statistical Office, the 109 campsites in Saxony recorded a total of 333,000 arrivals, with guests staying an average of 3.2 nights. The district of Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge was particularly popular with campers in Saxony. Around one in four overnight stays (263,852) and arrivals (79,824) were registered there. It is followed at some distance by the district of Görlitz (188,526 overnight stays and 57,548 arrivals), which has the most campsites in the Free State (22 with 1399 pitches). In third place is the district of Bautzen (143,667), where guests stayed the longest on average (4.5 nights).

Dresden (58,542 overnight stays) and the districts of Meißen (58,340), Vogtlandkreis (53,633), Erzgebirgskreis (41,119) and Leipzig (48,334) were significantly less popular. The districts of North Saxony (35,429), Central Saxony (21,590) and Zwickau (10,755) occupy the bottom three places. No data on arrivals and overnight stays was provided for the cities of Leipzig and Chemnitz.

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