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High voter turnout on the horizon in Saxony

Many voters had already cast their ballots by midday / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa
Many voters had already cast their ballots by midday / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

Many people in Saxony have already cast their votes in the state election this morning. According to the state electoral administration, the start went smoothly. A high turnout is expected.

The state election in Saxony has seen a high voter turnout. By midday, 25.8 percent of those eligible to vote had cast their ballot, according to the State Statistical Office in Kamenz. In the previous state election in 2019, the figure at the same time was 26.2 percent.

The provisional figures do not yet include postal voters. It is expected that 24.6 percent of eligible voters will exercise their right to vote by post. In 2019, it was 16.9 percent. According to the state electoral administration, the elections started this morning without any disruptions. There were no known problems, it said.

In Dresden, 57.5 percent of those eligible to vote had already cast their ballot by 12.00 noon, according to the city. At the same time five years ago, the figure in the state capital was 53.3 percent. In Leipzig, voter turnout at 12.00 noon was 52.5 percent, which was significantly higher than 40.8 percent in 2019. In both cities, however, postal voters were already taken into account. The city administration in Chemnitz reported a voter turnout of around 33%. However, only Sunday voters were counted here. "For comparison, we had a provisional voter turnout of around 32 percent at the same time in the last state election in 2019," the city announced.

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