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Dulig: Cooperation with Korea very important for Germany

The VW Transparent Factory is the venue for the German-Korean Forum. (Archive photo) / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
The VW Transparent Factory is the venue for the German-Korean Forum. (Archive photo) / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

South Korea is a strategically important partner for Germany. Both countries regularly exchange ideas at a forum. It is now meeting in Dresden.

The Saxon Minister for Economic Affairs, Martin Dulig (SPD), believes that cooperation with countries such as South Korea is crucial in the face of global change. "It is important for us to work together with countries that have similar values to us," said Dulig before the opening of the German-Korean Forum in Dresden. Dulig was commissioned by the German government to chair the conference.

"Germany and Korea - they go together. Korea also fits in with Saxony." There is a similar idea of innovation and industrial policy. They face similar challenges, for example in terms of demographic development, digitalization and climate change. South Korea is a democratic country. For Germany, it is a matter of positioning itself more diversely in Asia.

This year's forum will focus for two days on the use of artificial intelligence, but also on security policy issues, such as the ongoing conflict between North and South Korea and China's supremacy, said Dulig. For South Korea, on the other hand, Germany is an important discussion partner, for example with regard to the reunification of Korea in the future.

The forum with more than 50 representatives from politics, science and business is taking place in the VW Transparent Factory. In addition, 50 young people are meeting in parallel at the German-Korean Junior Forum. The results of the discussions in the working groups will be presented to the governments of both countries. In addition to the conference, the guests will also visit cultural sights such as the Green Vault, the Semper Opera House, the Frauenkirche and the baroque Moritzburg Palace.

The German-Korean Forum was founded in Seoul in 2002 in the presence of the then German President Johannes Rau and the former South Korean Prime Minister Lee Han-dong. It takes place alternately in South Korea and Germany every year.

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