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Police find bayonet in car on Polish border

A police patrol car with its blue lights switched on / Photo: Daniel Karmann/dpa/Symbolic image
A police patrol car with its blue lights switched on / Photo: Daniel Karmann/dpa/Symbolic image

Police have discovered a bayonet ready to hand in a car on the Polish border. Polish border guards and German federal police officers checked the car on the highway 4 in Görlitz on Tuesday, according to the federal police in Ludwigsdorf. They found the weapon in a compartment on the driver's door, they said.

In addition, the 46-year-old driver's license was forged and the car was not insured, according to the police. The man is already on record in Germany for drug offenses. The police are now investigating, among other things, a violation of the Weapons Act, forgery of documents and driving without a license.

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