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Saxony and Uganda enter into partnership to promote cooperation

Oliver Schenk (CDU), Head of the State Chancellery in Saxony and candidate for the European elections, speaks at a rally. / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa
Oliver Schenk (CDU), Head of the State Chancellery in Saxony and candidate for the European elections, speaks at a rally. / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

For the first time, Saxony has agreed a partnership with Uganda to strengthen cooperation in various areas.

Saxony has agreed a partnership with an African country for the first time - with Uganda. The aim is to expand cooperation in the areas of trade, education, work, culture and human rights, the State Chancellery announced in Dresden on Tuesday. This includes supporting and promoting cooperation between civil society organizations, schools, companies, scientific institutions as well as cities and municipalities.

Saxon State Chancellery Head Oliver Schenk (CDU) recently visited the East African country twice with delegations. "The partnership, which will also be formalized in the future, is intended to pave the way for people from Saxony to Africa," he emphasized. A cooperation office has been in place at the Saxony Development Policy Network since the beginning of 2023. In Uganda, support is provided by the Katosi Women Development Trust. The two organizations offer great support, especially for schools.

According to the State Chancellery, twelve associations from Saxony are currently active in Uganda. They are involved in a variety of tasks, such as building and renovating schools and providing school meals. The Chemnitz-based association Omwana, for example, helps a music school, while the Catholic St. Benno-Gymnasium Dresden is also active in Uganda. Leipzig University Hospital cooperates with Ugandan partners in the training of tropical doctors.

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