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Beauty treatment for Hartenfels Castle - facade to be renovated

The façade of Hartenstein Castle on the Elbe is being renovated. (Archive image) / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa
The façade of Hartenstein Castle on the Elbe is being renovated. (Archive image) / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

Hartenfels Castle in Torgau is a widely visible attraction for visitors and tourists. Now the façade is due for renovation.

The façade of Hartenfels Castle in Torgau on the Elbe was last repaired around 50 years ago - now the craftsmen are set to start work again. The façade is to be renovated at a cost of more than two million euros, according to the district administration of North Saxony.

1.38 million euros will come from the state as funding, while the district will have to contribute 778,000 euros itself. The building area will be completely scaffolded in 2025. Among other things, the district administration is based in the Renaissance castle.

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