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Weil criticizes Union for premature election campaign mode on migration

Stephan Weil accuses the CDU/CSU of being in election campaign mode when it comes to migration (Photo: Archive) / Photo: Julian Stratenschulte/dpa
Stephan Weil accuses the CDU/CSU of being in election campaign mode when it comes to migration (Photo: Archive) / Photo: Julian Stratenschulte/dpa

At their conference in Leipzig, the minister presidents also discuss measures on migration. Lower Saxony's head of government sees obstacles to an agreement - and reproaches the CDU/CSU.

Lower Saxony's Minister President Stephan Weil has accused the CDU/CSU of being in election campaign mode far too early on the issue of migration. He therefore expects rather difficult talks at the Minister Presidents' Conference in Leipzig, said the SPD politician at the start of the consultations.

"We have had a really good tradition for over a year: we have always managed to come together on this extremely important but also controversial topic, regardless of who has which party affiliation. This time, however, it will be even more difficult," said Weil.

We must conduct the discussions in accordance with the applicable law, emphasized Weil. The introduction of an upper limit for refugees, as repeatedly proposed by Saxony's CDU Minister President Michael Kretschmer, should be seen in this context: "This is simply not possible under the conditions of current law."

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