East German Minister Presidents: Federal government must strengthen eastern Germany
The eastern German federal states have formulated key demands for a future federal government. They are insisting on a position in the Chancellery.
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The eastern German federal states have formulated key demands for a future federal government. They are insisting on a position in the Chancellery.
In the 35th year after reunification, there are voices in the CDU/CSU who believe that the office of Commissioner for Eastern Europe is superfluous. Thuringia's Minister President Mario Voigt (CDU) takes a different view.
The Minister Presidents of the federal states are pushing for an agreement on the billions in investments planned by the CDU/CSU and SPD. The financial packages should not be separated.
Corners, edges, clear words: Saxony's Minister President Kretschmer finds surprisingly appreciative words for Olaf Scholz.
Taking instead of giving: The federal financial equalization system is based on the principle of solidarity. Financially strong federal states pay into the pot from which weaker states help themselves. Bavaria is complaining about this.
A few days before the Bundestag elections, the CDU has presented a paper on its ideas for eastern Germany. The main aim is to boost the SME economy.
European agricultural policy has been under discussion for years. Now the East German Minister Presidents are pushing ahead and demanding changes.
The minister presidents are calling for quick resolutions to reduce energy prices and flight fees. But will this still work before the general election?
How can the sluggish economy get going? The Minister Presidents are also thinking about this. But the ball is probably in someone else's court.
The shortage of skilled workers is affecting the eastern German states. The federal government should provide solutions. What are the heads of government from the east demanding?
The heads of the federal states are concerned about the automotive and chemical industries in Germany. To support this, they are making numerous demands in energy policy.
Despite difficult consultations, the heads of state have agreed on a package of demands for managing migration. Among other things, the revival of the so-called Dublin III agreement was central.
In the view of the Minister Presidents, local authorities are having to shoulder more and more tasks. Now the heads of government are calling for measures to ease the burden.
The heads of the federal states consider the digital pact for schools to be a great success - and are calling on the federal government to continue it.
Migration is a key topic at the Minister Presidents' Conference. North Rhine-Westphalia's head of government addresses demands to the federal government.
In Saxony and Thuringia, the CDU is negotiating a possible coalition with the BSW, among others. Schleswig-Holstein's Minister President has a stomach ache - and an alternative in mind.
The Minister Presidents of the federal states have met in Leipzig to discuss asylum policy and reforms to public broadcasting. The results are expected today.
The heads of government of the federal states are meeting in Leipzig to discuss migration policy and public broadcasting. What agreements will be reached?
At their conference in Leipzig, the minister presidents also discuss measures on migration. Lower Saxony's head of government sees obstacles to an agreement - and reproaches the CDU/CSU.
At the Conference of Minister Presidents, the CDU/CSU-led states are insisting on a tighter migration policy. The debate is about how the country could better restrict irregular migration.
Saxon apple trees are presented as gifts at the Minister Presidents' Conference in Leipzig. Saxony's head of government is also focusing on growth outside the state.
The inclusion of people with disabilities is the focus of the Minister Presidents' Conference in Leipzig. But without a solid financial basis, further development could come to a standstill.
Saxony has taken over the chairmanship of the Conference of Minister Presidents. In Leipzig, the heads of government of the federal states want to discuss issues such as migration and broadcasting funding.
Several Leipzig districts will be paralyzed over the next few days due to the Prime Minister's Conference and a Champions League match. Commuters should expect considerable restrictions.
Saxony has maintained close relations with its Polish neighbors for many years. Cross-border cooperation is the norm in many areas - and there is a liaison office in Wroclaw.
The heads of the federal states have been meeting regularly since 1954. Last year, Hesse saw itself as the "heart muscle of German federalism". Now another state is taking over the chairmanship.
New state parliaments will be elected in Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg in the coming weeks. A survey looks at the political mood there.
The SPD and the Wagenknecht party? There are some differences. But the SPD leader wants to leave decisions on cooperation to her colleagues in the federal states.
Refugee costs, citizens' income and the Germany ticket are currently placing an enormous burden on state and municipal budgets. These are tasks that arise from federal laws.
After the elections in Thuringia and Saxony, forming a government could be difficult. This is another reason why the CDU does not want to take any coalition options off the table - except with the AfD and the Left Party.
Saxony and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania are united by the joy of new World Heritage sites. At their meeting, however, the heads of government of both states also want to look to the future.
Minister President Manuela Schwesig (SPD) meets her Saxon counterpart Michael Kretschmer (CDU) in Schwerin and Rostock to strengthen cooperation.
The joy over new World Heritage sites in both federal states is still reverberating. However, the heads of government of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Saxony are also looking to the future.
Although Saxony has lost inhabitants according to the census, it can still count on more allocations from the federal financial equalization scheme. This is due to a statistical effect.
The federal government wants to expand the scope for state funding programs in coal-mining regions in order to accelerate structural change.
The Commissioner for Eastern Europe, Carsten Schneider, is calling on people to celebrate the Basic Law and stand up for democracy and freedom.
Saxony's Energy and Environment Minister Wolfram Günther (Greens) criticizes the federal government for its lack of support for the domestic solar industry.
Saxony's Energy and Environment Minister Wolfram Günther (Greens) has described the German government's lack of support for the domestic solar industry as a "major pain point". Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) must ask himself why he is pushing parts of the solar industry "over the c ..
Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer sees the danger of the state becoming ungovernable after the state elections on September 1. "I am warning of Thuringian conditions", the CDU politician told the "Deutsche Handwerks Zeitung" (Wednesday). The past five years have been extremely difficult ..
Asylum seekers in the Vogtland district will receive payment cards instead of cash from April to prevent misuse. District office orders 800 cards.
From April, asylum seekers in the Vogtland district will receive a payment card instead of cash. As the district administration office in Plauen announced on Wednesday, this is intended to counter possible misuse and the outflow of money to the countries of origin. In future, each asylum seeker will ..
The wolf is strictly protected in Germany. It has only been native again for a good 30 years, but is spreading rapidly. Livestock farmers are concerned about this, as sheep and goats are also prey.
Michael Kretschmer (CDU), Minister-President of Saxony, links the planned cross-party commission "Managing migration, protecting humanity" with progress in asylum policy. The commission must have neither blinkers nor bans on thinking and must also discuss an amendment to the Basic Law or cuts in ben ..
Views on payment cards for asylum seekers differ within the traffic light coalition. And this is also a contentious issue in Saxony. According to the Greens, there is no reason for a row.
In 2023, the East German federal states raised around 2.68 billion euros for supplementary and special pensions from the GDR.
A funding dispute between the federal government and the states of Saxony and Thuringia regarding the costs of cleaning up environmental damage caused by former GDR state-owned companies remains unresolved at the Federal Constitutional Court. The highest German court rejected applications by the two ..
Saxony-Anhalt's Minister President Reiner Haseloff is calling for better infrastructure links between the new federal states and Berlin and Eastern Europe. He emphasizes the need for more direct international connections from Berlin and improved train connections between Dresden, Magdeburg and Berlin. He also focuses on the demographic challenges facing the East and calls for more freedom in the allocation of university places in order to combat the shortage of doctors.
Newly arriving refugees from Ukraine are currently being transferred from Saxony to other federal states because the state has reached its admission quota.
The trade union Verdi has called for a warning strike this Friday in the Chemnitz-Erzgebirge-Mittelsachsen region - including at Chemnitz University of Technology. The reason for this is the so far unsuccessful wage negotiations for the public sector of the federal states, the union announced on Thu ..
Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer has criticized the results of the federal-state negotiations on migration as disappointing. Many points had been watered down by the federal government, the CDU politician said in Dresden on Tuesday. Nevertheless, the final decision was important as a f ..
Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer has called for a cross-party solution to the problems of the federal states and municipalities on the subject of migration, but has expressed skepticism about the proposals of Chancellor Olaf Scholz's (SPD) "traffic light" coalition. "The horizon of exp ..
State government leaders have agreed that payment cards for refugees should be introduced, according to Saxony's Premier Michael Kretschmer. "It is important that we do not work with cash, but with benefits in kind," said the CDU politician on Friday in Frankfurt am Main. The state premiers met ther ..
Saxony's premier is dissatisfied with the work of the federal government, but has a positive opinion of Chancellor Scholz.