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Günther: Kretschmer is putting Saxony's future at risk

Shortly before the state elections, the mutual attacks between the Greens and CDU in Saxony are increasing. (Archive photo) / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
Shortly before the state elections, the mutual attacks between the Greens and CDU in Saxony are increasing. (Archive photo) / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

The deputy attacks his boss. A few days before the state elections, the Greens criticize their coalition partner, the CDU. There are also accusations in the opposite direction.

One week before the state elections, Green politician Wolfram Günther accuses the CDU and its lead candidate Michael Kretschmer of "putting Saxony's future at risk". Kretschmer is betting on coal, nuclear power and combustion engines, thereby risking prosperity in Saxony, Günther told the German Press Agency. He is responsible for energy, climate protection, the environment and agriculture in the Saxon cabinet and is also Deputy Minister President. A new state parliament will be elected in the Free State next Sunday (September 1).

Entrepreneurs are virtually begging him, said Günther: "We need green electricity, otherwise we can pack up here. We must not allow the energy transition to be rolled back after the election." Kretschmer is calling for the comeback of the combustion car, even though Saxony is the number one manufacturer of electric cars and VW is the largest industrial employer in the state.

Günther: Coalition has governed long and quietly

"Entrepreneurs tell me about the CDU: "What are they doing? They're hurting us," said Günther. Kretschmer is also letting down those who are committed to fighting right-wing extremism. "That's a problem for our society and it's a problem for the economy. Because we need immigration to maintain our prosperity. If we do not resolutely oppose right-wing extremists, no one will come to us. Then we will lack bus drivers, care workers and highly qualified people in research and the semiconductor industry."

At the same time, Günther looked back on the legislative period that is coming to an end. "We have governed together efficiently and quietly for a long time. We overcame coronavirus and the energy crisis, the forest fires, floods and the consequences of the drought years." But that has been over since the last federal election. "Since then, the Prime Minister has been playing opposition from within the government, even against his own coalition partner."

Kretschmer recently declared the energy transition a failure in an election arena with the leading candidates of the major parties for the state elections on September 1. He accused the Green coalition partner of having "ideological blinkers". "With the Greens, it's not about what is sensible, what is economically right. It's all about the party program," he said.

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