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Heimatunion proposes new forms of government policy

The Saxon state parliament. (Archive photo) / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
The Saxon state parliament. (Archive photo) / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

The days of the CDU ruling alone in Saxony are long gone. The CDU has had to share power with others since 2004. Now things are getting particularly complicated.

The conservative Heimatunion within the CDU in Saxony cannot imagine a coalition with either the AfD or the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) and is therefore proposing "new forms of government policy". The leadership of the Heimatunion did not use the term "minority government". However, they had already brought such a model into play after the 2019 state elections.

A fundamental cooperation with other parties whose policies would harm the country is not justifiable, Sven Eppinger, Chairman of the Heimatunion, told the German Press Agency. He had won a CDU mandate in the state elections on Sunday. The decisive factor should be an exclusively issue-based policy in the interests of the state - according to the motto "Because it's about Saxony".

The CDU campaigned with this slogan. In the state election, the Saxon CDU won 31.9 percent of the vote, just ahead of the AfD (30.6 percent). As CDU Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer categorically rules out any cooperation with the AfD, the Union's only option is an alliance with BSW and SPD or with BSW and the Greens - or a minority government tolerated by others. Such a model has not yet been practiced in Saxony. After the election, the AfD did not rule out tolerating a CDU minority government.

Show a profile and don't exude arbitrariness

Home Union spokesperson Ulrich Link called the situation uncomfortable. However, there will be enough individual MPs in the state parliament who are prepared to support good policies for Saxony on individual issues. For the CDU, it is about showing its profile and not radiating arbitrariness.

The Heimatunion also sees the election result as a "result of the disastrous policies" of the traffic light government in the federal government. The upcoming government formation must be strictly about pursuing Saxony's interests. This would not be possible with the Greens, for example. As evidence, the Heimatunion recalled a statement by Kretschmer: "The Greens no longer pay attention to what the important issues are for the state. Instead, they are becoming more and more ideological."

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