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Kretschmer sees CDU ready for government responsibility in Saxony

Michael Kretschmer (CDU), incumbent Minister President of Saxony and top candidate, wants to continue forming the government in the state with his party. / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
Michael Kretschmer (CDU), incumbent Minister President of Saxony and top candidate, wants to continue forming the government in the state with his party. / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

The CDU is in a tight race with the AfD in Saxony. According to initial forecasts, Minister President Kretschmer believes his party is capable of continuing to form the government.

Saxony's Minister President and CDU lead candidate, Michael Kretschmer, believes his party is capable of continuing to form the government in the state according to initial election forecasts. "It won't be easy," said Kretschmer at the CDU's election party. "But one thing is certain: with many discussions and the will to do something for this country, we can use this election result to give Saxony a stable government that serves the country and moves forward with humility."

Everyone who wants to participate must be measured against this. The CDU is ready to continue taking responsibility for this country. "The coalition agreement will be made for the country and the people and then nothing will happen for a while."

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