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Lars Klingbeil at the state party conference of the SPD Saxony

Lars Klingbeil, SPD Co-Chairman / Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa
Lars Klingbeil, SPD Co-Chairman / Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa

Saxony's SPD wants to get in the mood for the state elections next September at a state party conference. Among other things, SPD federal chairman Lars Klingbeil is expected to give a speech on Saturday (10.00 am) in Neukieritzsch (Leipzig district). In addition, current Social Affairs Minister Petra Köpping will be elected as the lead candidate and the election program will be adopted.

State elections will be held in Saxony on 1 September 2024. The Greens and the SPD are currently governing as junior partners of the CDU in a coalition. In the 2019 state election, the Social Democrats achieved 7.7% of the vote in the state. They are currently polling at around the same level.

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