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Wagenknecht party gets ready for state elections

Cardboard boxes with documents stand at the founding ceremony of the party "Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht - for Reason and Justice" (BSW) in a Berlin hotel / Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa
Cardboard boxes with documents stand at the founding ceremony of the party "Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht - for Reason and Justice" (BSW) in a Berlin hotel / Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa

The new BSW party of former Left Party politician Sahra Wagenknecht wants to run in the state elections in the east in the fall. She is founding her first state association in Saxony.

The Sahra Wagenknecht alliance is founding its first state association on Saturday, in Saxony. Wagenknecht confirmed this to the German Press Agency on Monday. The magazine "Stern" had previously reported. The founding party conference will take place in Chemnitz.

"The desire for change is particularly strong in the East," said Wagenknecht. "People are struggling with high energy and food prices, real wage losses and pensions that are too low, and the traffic lights are not providing any solutions, but are instead constantly imposing new requirements."

With the founding of the Saxon state association, the BSW is setting the course for the Saxon state elections on September 1, Wagenknecht added. "The founding of the state associations in Thuringia and Brandenburg will follow next."

According to a party spokeswoman, the founding dates for Thuringia and Brandenburg have not yet been set. According to a spokesperson, the founding party conference for Saxony on Saturday will take place behind closed doors in Chemnitz with co-chair Amira Mohamed Ali. This will be followed by a press conference. The Saxony state association will start with 60 members.

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