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Zimmermann: CDU and SPD must realign their policies

Sabine Zimmermann, top candidate and chairwoman of the BSW in Saxony / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
Sabine Zimmermann, top candidate and chairwoman of the BSW in Saxony / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

The BSW's priorities are peace, migration and education. The chairwoman is calling for movement from potential coalition partners.

Saxon BSW chairwoman Sabine Zimmermann has made a realignment of CDU and SPD policies a condition for cooperation. "If the CDU and SPD want to work with us, that means they have to realign their policies," Zimmermann told the "Sächsische Zeitung" newspaper.

She assumes that there will be movement on the debt brake - "whether we call it a reform or make better use of the leeway". Investments are needed in education in particular. Zimmermann also suggested Bundesrat initiatives for tax-free pensions under 2,000 euros and the introduction of a wealth tax.

Priority issues for the BSW include peace, limiting uncontrolled migration and education. "We need a strong voice from Saxony that stands up for peace negotiations and against arms deliveries. We expect this from a government in which we are involved," said Zimmermann with regard to the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine and military support for Ukraine from Germany, among others.

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