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Abolish cash: Kretschmer calls for payment cards instead of cash for asylum seekers

Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU, r) speaks with an interpreter. / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa
Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU, r) speaks with an interpreter. / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

Saxony's head of government, Kretschmer, travels to the Conference of Minister Presidents in Frankfurt am Main with a demand for a stricter refugee policy. Among other things, he is calling for payment cards for asylum seekers.

Shortly before the Conference of Minister Presidents, Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer has spoken out in favor of introducing a cashless payment card for asylum seekers. "There is absolutely no question that, of course, the social benefits that the Federal Republic of Germany provides are also a reason why many people here want to come to us in Germany," the CDU politician said on Wednesday during a visit to the Federal Police in Görlitz. Saxony is ready to tackle the issue alone with a "coalition of the willing" if necessary, he said, if the federal government does not come up with a uniform federal regulation.

"You can talk about benefits in kind and talk about chip cards. We just have to do it." Saxony and other states have been trying to address this issue for more than half a year in intensive talks with the federal government, he said, but without success. Overall, he said, the goal must be to reduce the number of people coming to Germany. "Every instrument we have for this, we must use." Saxony has offered an asylum compromise several times and its hand continues to be extended, Kretschmer said.

Several German states are currently examining a so-called payment card for asylum seekers. The switch from cash to a payment card is intended to reduce incentives for immigrants. In addition, money is to be prevented from flowing abroad.

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz stressed last month that he had nothing against giving asylum seekers vouchers instead of cash. "We have created the legal possibility for this," the SPD politician told SWR radio. The federal states could try this out, but have not done so so far.

In addition to the introduction of payment cards, Kretschmer again spoke out in favor of stationary border controls. He also said the issue of designating more safe countries of origin to facilitate repatriation must be addressed.

According to the Hessian state chancellery, the heads of the states intend to focus on issues such as funding in migration and the Deutschlandticket during their joint talks in Frankfurt am Main in the coming days.

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