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Noticias sobre #Refugees

View of a refugee shelter in Leipzig / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa

Shift to the right: Saxon Refugee Council hopes for donations

In light of the clear shift to the right in the European and local elections, the Refugee Council in Saxony wants to launch a fundraising campaign on World Refugee Day (June 20). The aim of the "100 plus x" campaign is to gain at least 100 new permanent donors by the state elections on September 1, ..

Sahra Wagenknecht, Federal Chairwoman of the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) / Photo: Carsten Koall/dpa

Wagenknecht wants monitoring of refugee integration

The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) is calling for close monitoring of the integration of refugees. She expects Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer (CDU) and the other heads of the federal states to exert pressure in Berlin, Wagenknecht told the German Press Agency in Dresden on Monday. ..

A protest banner hangs in a window / Photo: Christian Charisius/dpa/Archivbild

Refugee Council concerned about Russians living in Dresden

The Saxon Refugee Council is concerned about the fate of a Russian living in Dresden. The brother of a dissident is threatened with deportation from the Free State, the association announced in Dresden on Thursday. A return to Russia seems just as impossible for him as a new life in Poland, where he ..

A man holds a payment card in his hand during a press conference / Photo: Sven Hoppe/dpa

Vogtlandkreis issues payment card for asylum seekers from April

From April, asylum seekers in the Vogtland district will receive a payment card instead of cash. As the district administration office in Plauen announced on Wednesday, this is intended to counter possible misuse and the outflow of money to the countries of origin. In future, each asylum seeker will ..

Armin Schuster, Minister of the Interior of Saxony, stands on stage during the CDU's basic program conference in Chemnitz / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa

Schuster urges measures to limit migration

Saxony's Interior Minister Armin Schuster is considering turning back migrants who have already applied for asylum in another EU country at the border. "If we are heading for arrivals like last year or more, then I would call on the federal government to make use of paragraph 18, section 2 of the As ..

Migrants walk across the grounds of an initial reception center for asylum seekers / Photo: Patrick Pleul/dpa/Symbolic image

Jobs for refugees in large parts of Saxony

The announcement from the Saale-Orla district of Thuringia that it intends to oblige refugees to work has caused a stir. However, the offer of work opportunities has been around for a long time.

Michael Kretschmer, Minister President of Saxony, speaks / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa

Kretschmer: Payment card to make payment in origin more difficult

Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer (CDU) has welcomed the agreement reached by the traffic light coalition on payment cards for asylum seekers in principle. Now it depends on the exact details, he said in an initial reaction to the German Press Agency in Chemnitz. The payment card is imp ..

Michael Kretschmer, Minister President of Saxony, speaks / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa

Kretschmer: Payment card to make payment in origin more difficult

Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer (CDU) has welcomed the agreement reached by the traffic light coalition on payment cards for asylum seekers in principle. Now it depends on the exact details, he said in an initial reaction to the German Press Agency in Chemnitz. The payment card is imp ..

The Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe logo can be seen on the jacket of a press spokesperson. / Photo: Moritz Frankenberg/dpa

Johanniter trains migrants as nursing assistants

The Johanniter aid organization in Saxony is training migrants to become rescue assistants. "We offer this special qualification for refugees in the care and rescue services," explained coordinator Antje Zajonz in Leipzig on Friday. The entry level is particularly low - participants basically only n ..

View of a four-bed room in an accommodation facility for asylum seekers in a former hotel / Photo: Bernd Thissen/dpa

Saxony's districts want interim solution for payment card

The Saxon districts are examining the introduction of a joint payment card for refugees. This is intended as an interim solution until a joint solution across the federal states is found, said Veronika Müller, deputy managing director of the Saxon Association of Counties, on Wednesday in response to ..

View into the plenary chamber of the Saxon State Parliament / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Criticism of integration law at hearing in state parliament

The planned Integration and Participation Act has met with both approval and criticism at a hearing in the state parliament's social affairs committee. The Saxon Association of Towns and Municipalities (SSG) described the government's draft law on Monday as "yet another example of state over-regulat ..

A sign reading "Asylum" hangs on a wall in the state reception center for asylum seekers (LEA) / Photo: Uli Deck/dpa/Archivbild

State capital Dresden expects higher asylum expenditure

The city of Dresden is expecting additional expenditure of around 82 million euros in the coming year as a result of increased refugee numbers. However, the state capital does not have to bear this sum alone, as it will also receive transfers from the state of Saxony. Up to 46.8 million euros will b ..

Police officers stand in front of a car / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

Increase in unauthorized entries in Saxony in 2023

The Federal Police detected significantly more unauthorized entries in Saxony in 2023 than in the previous year. Up to and including November, 29,264 people arrived in the Free State without valid documents to cross the border.

Nancy Faeser (SPD), Federal Minister of the Interior and Home Affairs, speaks at a press conference after talks at the Conference of Interior Ministers (IMK) / Photo: Christophe Gateau/dpa

Faeser extends fixed border controls by three months

The stationary controls at the borders with Poland, the Czech Republic and Switzerland, which were first ordered in mid-October, are to be continued until at least March 15 of next year. The Federal Ministry of the Interior announced on Friday that the controls would be continued in order to combat ..

A teacher teaches in a classroom / Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa/Symbolic image

Piwarz sees schools at breaking point due to migration

The Saxon Minister of Culture, Christian Piwarz (CDU), believes that schools in the Free State are reaching their limits due to the high number of children and young people with foreign roots. Integration work in a class can only be achieved up to a proportion of around 30 percent of pupils with a m ..

Federal police officers stop a car entering the country at a border in the early morning / Photo: Patrick Pleul/dpa/Archivbild

Fewer unauthorized entries to Germany

The number of unauthorized entries into Germany fell sharply in November compared to the previous month. According to an answer from the Federal Government to a question from MP Clara Bünger (Left Party), the Federal Police apprehended a total of 4,353 foreigners entering Germany without authorizati ..

Michael Kretschmer (CDU), Minister President of Saxony / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Kretschmer: Charity is the cement of society

Saxony's government, together with the churches, has called for refugees to be treated with dignity. The principle of charity and lived responsibility is an essential cement of society, said Minister President Michael Kretschmer (CDU) on Tuesday after a cabinet meeting with the Bishop of the Diocese ..

Nancy Faeser, Federal Minister of the Interior and Home Affairs / Photo: Melissa Erichsen/dpa

Faeser extends border controls until December 15

Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD) is extending border controls with Poland, the Czech Republic and Switzerland until December 15. This is to be reported to the EU Commission in Brussels shortly, a spokesperson said in Berlin on Monday. It is assumed that the controls, particularly ..

Nancy Faeser (SPD), Federal Minister of the Interior and Home Affairs and state chairwoman of the SPD in Hesse. / Photo: Kay Nietfeld/dpa

Faeser orders border controls for another 20 days

The stationary controls at the borders with Poland, the Czech Republic and Switzerland will be extended by a further 20 days on Wednesday. Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD) informed the EU Commission of this on Tuesday. According to her ministry, the federal police have apprehended ..

Michael Kretschmer (CDU), Minister President of Saxony, speaks / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Kretschmer: Federal-Länder agreement only a first step

Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer has criticized the results of the federal-state negotiations on migration as disappointing. Many points had been watered down by the federal government, the CDU politician said in Dresden on Tuesday. Nevertheless, the final decision was important as a f ..

Saxony's Minister of Social Affairs Petra Köpping / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

Countries: More money for unaccompanied minor refugees

The youth and family ministers of the federal states are demanding more money from the federal government for unaccompanied minor refugees. The federal government should contribute at least half of the costs for care and support, Saxony's Ministry of Social Affairs announced on Friday. The funds sho ..

Stacks of files lie on a desk / Photo: Stephanie Pilick/dpa/symbol

Slight upward trend in asylum procedures in Saxony

Refugees can legally defend themselves against a rejection of their asylum application. After a decline, the number of appeals to administrative courts is now on the rise again - the judiciary is assuming a clear trend.

An officer of the Federal Police controls a man / Photo: Christian Charisius/dpa/Symbolbild

Police deport smugglers and impose entry ban

The federal police have caught three smugglers of refugees red-handed in the district of Görlitz. The two men from Ukraine and an Uzbek were deported to Poland and banned from entering the country for four years, the Ludwigsdorf federal police station announced Monday. A 29-year-old Ukrainian and th ..

Michael Kretschmer (CDU), Minister President of Saxony / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Kretschmer supports reduction in benefits for asylum seekers

Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) supports the proposal by FDP federal ministers to cut social benefits for asylum seekers. "We know that social standards are also a major reason for illegal migration to Germany," Kretschmer said Saturday. "These are the wrong rules for a country of i ..

Nancy Faeser (SPD), Federal Minister of the Interior and Home Affairs / Photo: Kay Nietfeld/dpa

Faeser extends stationary border controls by 20 days

Federal Interior Ministry Nancy Faeser wants to extend the stationary controls at the borders with Poland, the Czech Republic and Switzerland for another twenty days. The SPD politician said on Wednesday in Berlin.Faeser had registered the fixed controls on October 16 for an initial ten days with th ..

A man wears handcuffs. / Photo: Stefan Sauer/dpa/Illustration

Suspected smuggler arrives in custody

A suspected smuggler from Belarus has been remanded in custody in Saxony. As the Berggießhübel Federal Police Inspectorate announced on Monday, the 25-year-old is alleged to have been at the wheel of an escort vehicle during a smuggling of refugees on September 13 this year. At that time, federal po ..

Police officers of the Federal Police with their helmets. / Photo: Philipp Schulze/dpa/Symbolbild

Nine Indians in Serbian mobile home stopped in Görlitz

Federal police pulled a Serbian camper out of circulation on Thursday at the Altstadtbrücke bridge in Görlitz. The driver, a 46-year-old Serb, wanted to bring nine people illegally to Germany in the camper, according to the Ludwigsdorf federal police station.He was temporarily detained, he is suspec ..

A police officer holds a police trowel during a traffic stop / Photo: Jonas Güttler/dpa/Symbolbild

Freight industry takes a critical view of border controls

The freight transport industry is critical of the new fixed controls on the border with Poland. The border has "a high volume of traffic, both from commercial transports and commuter traffic," a spokeswoman for the German Road Haulage, Logistics and Waste Management Association (BGL) said Tuesday. F ..

Officers of the Federal Police stand at the German border / Photo: Patrick Pleul/dpa/Symbolbild

Federal police prepared at Saxon borders

Following the U-turn by Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD) on the issue of stationary border controls, the Federal Police is prepared at the Saxon borders with Poland and the Czech Republic.

Nancy Faeser (SPD), Federal Minister of the Interior and Home Affairs, speaks / Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa

Faeser: Notify EU of additional border controls

Intensified dragnets, selective controls at the borders - for a long time, the Federal Minister of the Interior has resisted ordering stationary controls at additional border sections. Now the decision has been made.

Boris Rhein (l)greets Michael Kretschmer as he arrives at the Conference of Minister Presidents / Photo: Hannes P. Albert/dpa

Kretschmer: State heads speak out in favor of payment cards

State government leaders have agreed that payment cards for refugees should be introduced, according to Saxony's Premier Michael Kretschmer. "It is important that we do not work with cash, but with benefits in kind," said the CDU politician on Friday in Frankfurt am Main. The state premiers met ther ..

River Star symbolizes American dream, photo by Otfrid Weiss 2021

Migration then and now

Migration is an ancient mechanism of human development. Triggers and drivers of migration movements are poverty, famine and droughts, wars, revolutions and genocide. Immigration into our social systems plays a minor role. But abuse of temporary identity documents should be prevented.

Petra Köpping speaks at the Herbert Wehner House / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Young refugees: Saxony makes demands on federal government

Every day, people arrive in Saxony who have fled their homeland. Many of them are children or young people who are on their own. The Ministry of Social Affairs, the Association of Towns and Municipalities and the Association of Counties have now jointly addressed the federal government with demands.

Officers of the Federal Police stand at the German border / Photo: Patrick Pleul/dpa/Symbolbild

Federal police arrest two Ukrainian smugglers

Federal police have apprehended ten refugees and arrested two smugglers in Bautzen within two days. According to police on Wednesday, officers controlled five people near a supermarket in Bautzen on Tuesday night following a tip-off. It is said to have been a 40-year-old Syrian, a 34-year-old Turkis ..

An officer of the Federal Police / Photo: Patrick Pleul/dpa

Schuster: 10 smugglers apprehended per week in Saxony

Saxony's Interior Minister Armin Schuster (CDU) has highlighted the efforts of the state police to curb illegal migration. Since the beginning of September, the police in the border area weekly 10 to 12 smugglers as well as around 400 people caught illegally crossing the border, said the CDU politic ..

Michael Kretschmer (CDU), Minister President of Saxony / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

Migration: Kretschmer accuses government of late action

Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer has accused the traffic light government and Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) of hesitancy on the issue of migration. "It is bitter that the situation always has to escalate like this before action is taken in Germany," the CDU politician said o ..

Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD) in the plenum of the Bundestag / Photo: Kay Nietfeld/dpa

Faeser: Stationary border controls as a "possibility

Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser has shown herself open in principle to short-term stationary border controls at the Polish and Czech borders. "From my point of view, this is a way to fight smuggling of migrants harder," the SPD politician told the Welt am Sonntag newspaper when asked whether ..

Michael Kretschmer (CDU), Minister President of Saxony, speaks at the press conference / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa

Kretschmer against often delinquent asylum seekers in the country

Asylum seekers who have committed multiple criminal offenses should not be allowed to remain permanently in the Federal Republic, according to Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer. "Anyone who has regularly committed criminal offenses and wants to come here as an asylum seeker has no business ..

Petra Köpping (SPD), Minister of Social Affairs of Saxony / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

Köpping calls for ban miles around refugee shelters

Saxon Social Affairs Minister Petra Köpping (SPD) has called for the establishment of a ban mile in front of refugee accommodations because of increasing marches by right-wing extremists. In a letter to Interior Minister Armin Schuster (CDU), she referred to the practice in Brandenburg, where a zone ..