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BSW boss: "CDU must decide which path to take"

The head of the BSW in Saxony, Sabine Zimmermann, is optimistic about further talks with the CDU and SPD. (Archive photo) / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa
The head of the BSW in Saxony, Sabine Zimmermann, is optimistic about further talks with the CDU and SPD. (Archive photo) / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

The potential coalition partners of a so-called blackberry coalition of CDU, BSW and SPD in Saxony are still feeling each other out. However, three "get-to-know-you" talks are now planned at once.

The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) in Saxony is optimistic about the final "get-to-know-you talks" with potential coalition partners CDU and SPD to form a new government. However, BSW leader Sabine Zimmermann also made it clear that the "time for teasing" must now be over and serious work must follow.

"The CDU must decide which path it wants to take. If it decides in favor of the BSW, there must be negotiations on an equal footing," Zimmermann told the German Press Agency. There are obviously also CDU members who would prefer to join forces with the AfD. She cited the open letter from CDU members in the Leipzig area as proof of this, which had made precisely this clear.

Forces within the Saxon CDU for dialog with the AfD

The declaration, which was also signed by two former CDU ministers, called for a "new political culture of togetherness". It said that it was also necessary to talk to the AfD and that "bridge builders and not firewalls" were needed. Central political goals of the CDU could not be realized "red-green-dark-red". Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer, however, strictly rejects cooperation with the AfD.

According to Zimmermann, the CDU, BSW and SPD must continue to build trust. "I don't want a traffic light situation where you first agree to work together and then shoot each other down the very next day," she said with a view to the federal government. Either we do this seriously in the interests of the citizens, or we don't." That will become clear in the coming days.

BSW boss considers time pressure in talks to be wrong

Further talks between the potential coalition partners are planned for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. "We are still on schedule," emphasized Zimmermann, contradicting reports that there is a bottleneck in Saxony. "It would be wrong to build up time pressure. I am glad that we are taking our time. You have to get in tune with each other. You can't do that overnight with a snap of the fingers - not even with the CDU, which has been used to governing for many years."

The BSW leader believes that "cross shots" from the other two parties are inappropriate. It is not a good working style if confidences are leaked. "We are newcomers, that's true. But we bring a breath of fresh air to rigid structures that have existed in Saxony for over 30 years. That should be respected. We were elected by people who want change."

War and peace is not just an issue for the federal government

Zimmermann believes it is wrong to only refer to the federal government when it comes to war and peace. "You also have to listen to the voices in Saxony that no longer want Germany to deal with the war in Ukraine in this way and are calling for greater diplomatic efforts." This has been neglected in the last two years, with Germany focusing primarily on arms deliveries. And a new state government that does not respect this mood in Bavaria will have no basis of trust for all other policy areas.

The mere existence of the BSW is proof that people want something different, said Zimmermann. She had clearly sensed this during the election campaign. "For many, it is the most important issue. These fears must be taken seriously. A federal government cannot simply ignore them. It is important to also address this in the negotiations at state level."

In the state elections on September 1, the CDU was the strongest party with 31.9 percent, ahead of the AfD (30.6 percent). As the CDU/CSU has ruled out a coalition with the AfD, the only mathematical option is an alliance with the BSW (11.8%) and the SPD (7.3%). A continuation of the old coalition of CDU, Greens and SPD is no longer possible.

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