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CDU wins in Saxony: AfD second strongest force, BSW third strongest parliamentary group

The CDU is still the strongest force in the Saxon state parliament. (Archive photo) / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
The CDU is still the strongest force in the Saxon state parliament. (Archive photo) / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

The CDU wins the state election in Saxony with 31.9%. AfD becomes the second strongest party with 30.6%, BSW becomes the third strongest party with 11.8%.

The CDU has become the strongest force in the state elections in Saxony with 31.9 percent. After counting all constituencies, it is ahead of the AfD, which received 30.6 percent of the vote. The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) contested the state election for the first time and achieved 11.8% at the first attempt, as the state election management announced on its website. This makes her the third-strongest parliamentary group in the state parliament. The SPD received 7.3 percent of the vote, while the Greens achieved 5.1 percent. The Left Party slipped to 4.5 percent, but managed to re-enter the state parliament by winning two direct mandates. At 74.4 percent, voter turnout was higher than ever before in a state election in the federal state.

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