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Dresden recalls 320 European election ballot papers

Monitors in the European Parliament display the slogan "Use your vote" to promote the upcoming European elections. / Photo: Jean-Francois Badias/AP/dpa
Monitors in the European Parliament display the slogan "Use your vote" to promote the upcoming European elections. / Photo: Jean-Francois Badias/AP/dpa

The city of Dresden is recalling 320 European election ballot papers that were inadvertently intended for North Rhine-Westphalia.

The city of Dresden is recalling 320 European election ballot papers. The reason: they are destined for North Rhine-Westphalia, as the city announced on Wednesday. Those affected will be informed of the error by post. In total, more than 120,000 eligible voters in the Saxon state capital had already received postal voting documents.

The error with the voting documents from NRW was discovered this week after three eligible voters contacted the city. According to the city, an error analysis revealed that in 320 cases, incorrect ballot papers for the European elections may have been sent by post.

The service provider that prints the ballot papers on behalf of the city and prepares them for dispatch had been supplied with an incorrect batch of European election ballot papers by the Free State's printing service provider.

A total of 430,000 people are entitled to vote in Dresden in the European elections on 9 June.

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