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Anniversary for referendums in Saxony

A referendum on the Waldschlößchenbrücke bridge in Dresden in 2005 was successful for the supporters of the controversial structure. (Archive photo) / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa
A referendum on the Waldschlößchenbrücke bridge in Dresden in 2005 was successful for the supporters of the controversial structure. (Archive photo) / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

Many citizens would like to have more direct co-determination. In local authorities, this can be achieved through referendums. Saxony is now celebrating an anniversary.

The "More Democracy" initiative in Saxony would like to see more referendums. The number of inadmissible citizens' petitions is more than 60 percent and is generally too high, explained Frank Rosberger, spokesperson for the nationwide initiative. Nationwide, an average of 28.5 percent of petitions are declared inadmissible. The organizers were often unaware of the criteria or deadlines were not met.

"Improvements are needed here. We urgently need a review before the collection of signatures begins. The cost recovery proposal for citizens' petitions should also be abolished," emphasized Rosberger.

200th referendum in Saxony next Sunday

Three referendums will take place in Saxony on the day of the federal election next Sunday. This will bring the total number of decisions of this kind in the history of the Free State to 200. In Radeberg and Arnsdorf, a vote will be held on an inter-municipal industrial estate. In Hohnstein, there will be a referendum on the construction of wind turbines on the initiative of the town council.

Hurdles for referendums have been lowered

According to Rosberger, the 200th referendum in Saxony is thanks to the upturn in recent years. "There are noticeably more referendums. Lowering the hurdles was an important step towards more citizen participation in the municipalities." In 2022, the Saxon state parliament decided to lower the signature threshold for citizens' petitions from 10 percent to 5 percent.

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