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Discord in the coalition and criticism of Kretschmer

The confirmed state chairman Henning Homann speaks at the state party conference of the SPD Saxony in Chemnitz / Photo: Heiko Rebsch/dpa/Archivbild
The confirmed state chairman Henning Homann speaks at the state party conference of the SPD Saxony in Chemnitz / Photo: Heiko Rebsch/dpa/Archivbild

From the Saxony coalition are again discords audible. SPD leader Henning Homann on Monday criticized continued criticism of the traffic light government in Berlin by Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) and the CDU/CSU. "The campaigns against the traffic light are unserious. Because it is the federal government that enables investments in Saxony, while the Saxon finance minister prevents future investments," Homann said in Dresden.

"We have to talk in Saxony again about how we get it done. Make instead of grumble. The fact that the CDU Saxony badmouths the country every week is not helpful," the party leader stressed. It is downright absurd to push the responsibility for the current economic situation completely to the traffic light in the shoes and to fade out at the same time the own responsibility.

Homann: "The Prime Minister has already contributed in his time as a member of the Bundestag to prevent the development of renewable energies." As head of the Saxon government, he continues. "The Free State is far behind in terms of expansion targets, especially compared to other states in eastern Germany. This is actually damaging for our business location. Responsible action means here finally to tackle instead of blocking."

Also environment and energy minister Wolfram Günther (Greens) had accused the Union of a "global opposition" against the federal government. The permanent and consistent bad-mouthing of what a federal government accomplishes leads to a dwindling trust of the population in democracy, he said. But there is a shared responsibility for democracy, he added. Günther accused the CDU of having developed an enemy image of the Greens. His party governs not only in the federal government, but also in eleven states - in six of them together with the CDU: "We are not enemies."

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