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Million-euro grant from the federal government for Rochlitz elementary school

The town of Rochlitz is receiving more than 1.6 million euros from a federal investment program for the conversion of the Regenbogen elementary school (symbolic image) / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
The town of Rochlitz is receiving more than 1.6 million euros from a federal investment program for the conversion of the Regenbogen elementary school (symbolic image) / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Most primary school pupils in Saxony are also looked after all day. After learning reading, writing or arithmetic, they play and romp around in the school building - and need a nice environment to do so.

The town of Rochlitz is receiving more than 1.6 million euros from a federal investment program for the conversion of the Regenbogen elementary school. Saxony's regional development ministry is using the money to support the expansion of all-day care, according to a press release. The "financial injection" is a decisive step towards making the facility "an even better place to learn and grow" for the youngest children, said the head of the ministry, Thomas Schmidt (CDU). A modern learning environment has a positive effect on the children's learning success. The school building is to be extended to include three classrooms, a staff room and sanitary facilities. The approximately 280 children will also have new outdoor facilities. A total of around 2.4 million euros has been budgeted for the project.

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