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Wagenknecht party wants U-committee on corona in Saxony

Sahra Wagenknecht speaks at her party's state party conference / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa/Archivbild
Sahra Wagenknecht speaks at her party's state party conference / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa/Archivbild

The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) wants to be the first parliamentary initiative to launch a committee of inquiry into the coronavirus pandemic if it enters the state parliament in Saxony. "The coronavirus investigation must begin this year in Saxony," Wagenknecht told the German Press Agency in Dresden on Thursday. The AfD had also failed miserably. With their votes, there could have been such a committee in the state parliament a long time ago.

However, depending on the strength of its presence, the BSW would be dependent on votes from other parliamentary groups for its request. According to the constitution, the state parliament must set up a sub-committee if one fifth of the members are in favor of it. The AfD had the required number of votes in the legislative period that is coming to an end.

According to Wagenknecht, the "extremely questionable role" of the World Health Organization (WHO) during the pandemic must also be part of the investigation. "The BSW says no to the WHO pandemic treaty and is glad that it has failed for the time being. Without a national and international review, there must be no new treaties that extend the power of the WHO."

The talks on the WHO treaty recently ended without consensus. The 194 member states of the UN organization had originally wanted to adopt the pact at the end of May. The agreement was intended to prevent global chaos such as that caused by the coronavirus pandemic and ensure that all countries are supplied with all the necessary protective material, medicines and vaccines in good time. However, diplomats from various countries expressed optimism that work on the agreement will continue.

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