30 recognized corona vaccination injuries in Saxony
During the coronavirus pandemic, millions of people pinned their hopes on a vaccination. Those who suffered damage to their health can apply for compensation. The number is comparatively low.
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During the coronavirus pandemic, millions of people pinned their hopes on a vaccination. Those who suffered damage to their health can apply for compensation. The number is comparatively low.
A committee of inquiry in the state parliament is to investigate the criticism of the Saxon government during the coronavirus pandemic. There is already disagreement over formalities.
In Saxony, two committees are dealing with the coronavirus pandemic - a parliamentary committee of inquiry and a commission of inquiry. The committee of inquiry is now starting its work.
In Saxony, the investigation into the coronavirus pandemic is beginning at parliamentary level. In addition to a committee of inquiry, a commission of inquiry will also deal with the issue.
The Saxon state parliament has unanimously appointed a commission of inquiry to investigate the coronavirus pandemic. This was a first for the state parliament.
Respiratory diseases continue to increase - also in Saxony. Corona is still dominating the situation. But other viruses are also rampant.
Colds, coughs, fever, aching limbs - respiratory infections continue to increase in Saxony. Corona viruses are still dominating the situation. However, the number of infections has recently decreased.
There has been a long debate in Saxony about how to deal with the coronavirus pandemic. The AfD and BSW consider a committee of inquiry to be the best option. The work in the state parliament can now begin.
After a coronavirus committee of inquiry was set up in the state parliament, the Minister of Health shows little concern and talks about difficult decisions in the pandemic.
Colds, coughs, fever and aching limbs - respiratory infections are on the rise in Saxony. Coronaviruses continue to dominate the flu season - with consequences.
Colds, coughs, fever and aching limbs - respiratory infections are on the rise in Saxony. Coronaviruses continue to dominate the flu season - with consequences.
Two parliamentary groups, the AfD and BSW, have submitted motions for committees of inquiry to investigate coronavirus policy. One of them has now received sufficient approval.
The Saxon state parliament has received two motions for committees of inquiry into the coronavirus pandemic. The BSW sees the fact that one of them comes from the AfD as a success.
On Friday, the state parliament will vote on the establishment of committees of inquiry into coronavirus policy. However, the CDU and SPD want to take a different approach.
Saxons are notoriously vaccine-hungry. This is also evident when it comes to coronavirus. The immunization rate is unchanged - but a few more people have boosters.
The coronavirus pandemic is still causing a stir today. In Saxony, people are arguing about the right way to deal with it. The AfD and BSW believe the task lies with a committee of inquiry.
Representatives of all parties in the Saxon state parliament have spoken out in favor of dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. However, the appropriate means of doing so is controversial.
Millions were vaccinated against coronavirus and experienced mild side effects. Some suffered permanent damage. However, only a few cases have been recognized in Saxony so far.
Long waiting times and high production times lead to frustration among applicants in large cities in Saxony.
Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer demands a solution to the refugee issue from the federal government and speaks out in favor of a 'breathing upper limit' for migration. He draws a positive balance of his government's work and warns against hate crime and extremism.
The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) wants to be the first parliamentary initiative to launch a committee of inquiry into the coronavirus pandemic if it enters the state parliament in Saxony. "The coronavirus investigation must begin this year in Saxony," Wagenknecht told the German Press Agency in ..
The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) wants to be the first parliamentary initiative to launch a committee of inquiry into the coronavirus pandemic if it enters the state parliament in Saxony. "The coronavirus investigation must begin this year in Saxony," Wagenknecht told the German Press Agency in ..
The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance wants to make the investigation into the coronavirus pandemic an issue in the Saxon state election campaign and is calling for a robust committee of inquiry. The AfD and the FDP are also calling for a thorough investigation.
According to the Ministry of Education, 80% of schools in Saxony are using the learning budget provided by the Free State to mitigate the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic. A total of 1132 schools took advantage of the "Flexible Learning Budget" program launched at the beginning of the 2023/2 ..
Late effects of the coronavirus pandemic are still being felt. The Free Voters and AfD are calling for a review of the political decisions made during this period.
Visitor numbers in Saxony's health resorts are still below pre-corona levels. The individual resorts are developing very differently. An investment backlog is also looming.
According to the Ministry of Education, the distribution of educational recommendations in Saxony is returning to pre-coronavirus levels.
The number of flu cases in Saxony has fallen significantly, as have RSV and coronavirus infections. Age groups are affected differently.
The number of guests in Lower Saxony rose by around ten percent to more than 15 million in 2023, but the pre-corona year 2019 has not yet been reached.
After curfews, compulsory masks and quarantine requirements, Bavaria's coronavirus protection rules came to an end a good year ago. Some were later declared invalid. However, those affected have had little to gain from this so far.
Fever, aching limbs, runny nose - it's not just school classes, children's facilities, offices and authorities that are emptying. The flu is still on the rise.
The number of respiratory infections in Saxony remains at a high level. In the third calendar week of 2024, cases of influenza in particular were registered, and their number was significantly higher than the number of coronavirus and RSV cases.
The increasing number of dangerous dogs poses challenges for animal shelters in Saxony. Since the coronavirus pandemic, the dog population has risen by 25 percent.
The number of respiratory infections continues to rise in Saxony. After the turn of the year, significantly more cases of influenza and RSV infections were registered again, according to the first report of the State Investigation Institute (LUA) 2024 published on Friday. According to the report, 22 ..
Since the beginning of October, 141 deaths have been reported in connection with a Sars-CoV-2 infection. The upward trend in reported coronavirus infections continues, while the number of influenza cases has risen by 142 percent.
Saxony's tourism industry is still on the upswing after the difficult coronavirus years. Culture Minister Barbara Klepsch provides insights into the current tourism figures and notes that the Free State has not yet fully caught up, but is on the right track.
The number of new coronavirus infections in Saxony is at a high level. On Friday, the incidence, i.e. the number of new infections reported per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days, was 53, according to the Federal Ministry of Health's pandemic radar. This is the second-highest figure in Germany be ..
Saxony has paid out 1.56 billion euros to companies during the coronavirus crisis. Claims amounting to EUR 7 million are still outstanding.
The president of the State Medical Association, Erik Bodendieck, criticizes the implementation of the 20-point plan 'Medical Care 2030' of the Saxon government of 2019.
Leipzig/Halle and Dresden Airports recorded passenger growth in the first eight months of this year. However, they are still a long way from the figures for 2019.