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Left-wing parties consider sub-committee on the coronavirus pandemic inadmissible

The AfD made the request public on Tuesday. (Archive image) / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
The AfD made the request public on Tuesday. (Archive image) / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

The coronavirus pandemic is still causing a stir today. In Saxony, people are arguing about the right way to deal with it. The AfD and BSW believe the task lies with a committee of inquiry.

The Left Party in the Saxon state parliament considers the motion tabled by the AfD for a coronavirus investigation committee to be inadmissible. As a minority, the AfD has the right to set up such a committee, explained MP Rico Gebhardt. "However, it has no right to give this committee unlawful orders."

According to the AfD, the committee of inquiry should primarily clarify legal issues, such as whether measures were disproportionate, legally impermissible or even unconstitutional, said Gebhardt. "A committee of inquiry cannot and must not do that; that is the task of the courts. This shows that the AfD actually wants a tribunal."

The AfD made the motion, which had already been submitted, public on Tuesday. It is intended to critically examine the work of the Saxon government in connection with the coronavirus in the period from 2019 to 2024. AfD parliamentary group leader Jörg Urban had already attested to the government's "serious violations of fundamental rights" in advance.

Gebhardt wants a real reappraisal instead of a shambles

Gebhardt accused the AfD of having copied their motion from the Brandenburg AfD parliamentary group and anticipating the results of the investigation. The aim should be to come to terms with the pandemic together with the population instead of holding a court of broken glass. The committee is not suitable for drawing lessons for further pandemics. Citizens would not be involved.

The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) in Saxony had also announced a sub-committee on the coronavirus pandemic and wants to make good on an election promise. Unlike the AfD parliamentary group, the BSW cannot set up the committee on its own due to insufficient parliamentary group strength. This requires the votes of a fifth of the 120 MPs. The BSW only has 15 seats in parliament.

Leftists warn against party-political abuse of the coronavirus pandemic

Gebhardt accused the AfD and the BSW of misusing the issue for party-political campaigns. "Instead, we want an open-ended format that enables objective discussions, involves the population and points to the future - such as a commission of inquiry, a round table or a council with citizens. Experts must be involved."

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