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Open government district attracts thousands of visitors to Dresden

Minister President Michael Kretschmer was also present at the Saxon State Chancellery, where Denise Dönitz from Döbeln presented him with a gift. / Photo: Daniel Wagner/dpa
Minister President Michael Kretschmer was also present at the Saxon State Chancellery, where Denise Dönitz from Döbeln presented him with a gift. / Photo: Daniel Wagner/dpa

Thousands of people took the opportunity to experience the work of the Saxon state government up close. Despite the rain chaos at the beginning, there were numerous exciting hands-on activities and information.

Several thousand people took a look behind the scenes of the state government in Dresden on Sunday. Under the motto "See and be seen", visitors were able to gain an impression of the government's work in the historic buildings of the Saxon ministries.

In addition to Minister President Michael Kretschmer (CDU), numerous other members of the state government were also present. The "Open Government Quarter" was originally scheduled to take place on June 2. However, it was then postponed due to severe weather warnings for large parts of Germany. This time, too, a rain shower at the beginning caused some confusion.

Highlights from the State Chancellery and the Ministry of the Interior

A wide-ranging program was on offer with lots of hands-on activities, offers for children and plenty of music. In the Saxon State Chancellery, for example, the seat of the Prime Minister, there were guided tours of the historic building.

In the Ministry of the Interior, interested visitors were able to see the main operations center of the Saxon police, the so-called Situation Center. The eye-catcher in front of the door was a demonstration by the Dresden professional fire department, who abseiled from a dizzying height. People could also test their marksmanship at the laser biathlon shooting range or marvel at the work of the dog squadron.

In the courtyard of the State Ministry for Energy, Climate Protection, Environment and Agriculture, there were also many hands-on activities and information on horticulture, energy advice, nutrition and climate. The Ministry of Social Affairs also offered many activities and information opportunities from the health and social sectors. For example, visitors could have their blood type determined by the German Red Cross (DRK).

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