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Saxony's CDU calls for EU reforms for more flexibility and less bureaucracy

Oliver Schenk (CDU), Head of the State Chancellery in Saxony, arrives at the plenary chamber before the start of the session in the state parliament / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
Oliver Schenk (CDU), Head of the State Chancellery in Saxony, arrives at the plenary chamber before the start of the session in the state parliament / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

The CDU in Saxony is committed to comprehensive reforms of the European Union in order to increase citizens' acceptance of Europe.

More flexibility, less bureaucracy: Saxony's CDU has spoken out in favor of comprehensive reforms to the European Union in order to increase people's acceptance of Europe. A clever balance is needed between things that can be solved locally, at national level and in Brussels, said State Chancellery Leader Oliver Schenk in Dresden on Tuesday. For many things, the solution ultimately lies at European level. Nevertheless, Europe still seemed mysterious to many citizens. This is partly due to the lack of presence of EU politicians in the regions. Schenk is the Saxon Union's lead candidate for the European elections on June 9.

The 55-year-old recalled the EU funding from which Saxony has benefited to date: around 20 billion euros. Much of the economic development that had taken its course was thanks to Europe. However, the EU is increasingly being questioned. Some critics even want the European Union to be destroyed and abolished.

Schenk sees the EU's shortcomings as including a lack of flexibility. "Of course we need less bureaucracy." Schenk suggested limiting himself to the essentials for an EU legislative period. "There is no need for a separate funding structure from Brussels if something like this already exists at national level." Rules from Brussels should not be topped once again with national requirements.

Schenk also wants to advocate other funding mechanisms if he is successfully elected. For example, small and medium-sized enterprises should also receive support if the number of employees exceeds 250. In addition, more support should be given to regions that create "European added value" - such as Saxony with its chip industry. European financial planning funds should also be distributed more according to demographic indicators. Saxony is one of the oldest regions in the world in terms of its age structure and needs an influx of young people.

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