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AfD top candidate Jörg Urban wins direct mandate in the Saxon state parliament

Jörg Urban (AfD) has a clear lead in the first votes in his constituency. / Photo: Kay Nietfeld/dpa
Jörg Urban (AfD) has a clear lead in the first votes in his constituency. / Photo: Kay Nietfeld/dpa

The leading candidate for the AfD in Saxony, Jörg Urban, is expected to win the direct mandate in his constituency - with a clear lead over CDU politician Marko Schiemann.

The leading AfD candidate in Saxony, Jörg Urban, is expected to enter the future Saxon state parliament with a direct mandate. After counting the votes in five out of seven municipalities, the AfD man has achieved around 47 percent in his constituency of Bautzen 5. CDU candidate Marko Schiemann has so far only achieved just under 28.5 percent of the vote in the constituency.

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