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148 election posters damaged in Dresden

According to the police, the destruction in Dresden was not just aimed at one particular party. (Archive image) / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
According to the police, the destruction in Dresden was not just aimed at one particular party. (Archive image) / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

A new state parliament will be elected in Saxony in two weeks' time. Posters for several parties have now been vandalized in Dresden.

In Dresden, unknown perpetrators have damaged a total of 148 election posters belonging to various parties. In the village of Cossebaude, 79 posters were torn down and left on the sidewalk, according to the police. In the Trachenberge district, 69 posters were thrown at with paint bags.

The property damage could not initially be quantified. According to the information available so far, the acts occurred on Wednesday or Thursday and the damage was discovered on Thursday evening. A police spokesperson said that it was not clear that the attacks had been aimed at a specific party. The authority is investigating damage to property.

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