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More children in Vogtland fall ill with measles

A vaccination certificate with a cross for the measles vaccination lies on a table / Photo: Tom Weller/dpa
A vaccination certificate with a cross for the measles vaccination lies on a table / Photo: Tom Weller/dpa

The measles outbreak among children in Vogtland has spread. Two more children have fallen ill this week, the district office announced on Friday in response to an inquiry. We are talking about mild cases of the disease. It is highly likely that they were in contact with the two previously affected families at the time of infection. Both newly infected children were not of school age and did not go to kindergarten.

At the end of February, the public health department reported a major outbreak of measles in twelve children aged between a few months and 13 years. According to the authority, they were not sufficiently vaccinated.

Children attending facilities such as daycare centers, after-school care or schools must be vaccinated against measles. Otherwise, they are not allowed to enter the facilities. In the case of schools, however, compulsory school attendance is given higher priority - if the vaccination is still missing, parents face a fine.

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