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Saxon housing cooperatives seek change

View of apartment buildings in a city / Photo: Julian Stratenschulte/dpa/Symbolic image
View of apartment buildings in a city / Photo: Julian Stratenschulte/dpa/Symbolic image

Saxony's housing cooperatives see a need for change in the face of adversities such as high energy prices and rising construction costs.

The Saxon housing cooperatives are looking to the new year with concern and believe it is high time for change. "We need our optimism back," said Mirjam Philipp, CEO of the Association of Saxon Housing Cooperatives, on Wednesday at the annual review in Dresden. There were numerous adversities to contend with. She recalled high energy prices, rising construction costs, inflation and interest rate developments. "There is a lack of planning security at the back and front."

Philipp compared the housing industry to a tanker. "Once we have set out in one direction, we head in one direction." If you suddenly have to move quickly to the right and left, it's difficult to do, he said. However, the tanker does not get into an inclined position so quickly.

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