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Saxony honors 222 sports clubs for their commitment

Kretschmer calls voluntary commitment "incredibly impressive".  / Photo: Daniel Wagner/dpa
Kretschmer calls voluntary commitment "incredibly impressive". / Photo: Daniel Wagner/dpa

Several sports clubs in Saxony were recognized for their efforts. Each club receives a prize of 1,000 euros.

A total of 222 sports clubs in Saxony have been honored for their voluntary work. "What is achieved in our clubs by so many committed people week after week is incredibly impressive," said Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer (CDU) when presenting the award as part of the "Open Government Quarter" in Dresden. The clubs are a great treasure, as they stand for cohesion and promote values such as fairness and respect. Accordingly, each club will receive a prize of 1,000 euros.

The sixth edition of the competition placed a special focus on the importance of volunteers for club life. The competition was primarily open to sports clubs that wanted to organize an original surprise campaign for their particularly committed members.

Since 2014, a total of 1,093 sports clubs have received awards as part of the sports club competition organized by the Free State of Saxony and the Saxony Sports Association. More than 500,000 sports club members throughout Saxony have been reached so far.

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