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Red offender Rose back in the stands: "Yellow recovery"

The emotional Leipzig coach was shown a yellow-red card. / Photo: Federico Gambarini/dpa
The emotional Leipzig coach was shown a yellow-red card. / Photo: Federico Gambarini/dpa

Marco Rose actually wanted to improve and stop clashing with the referees so often. In Leverkusen, however, he was shown a yellow card in his second game of the season.

Before the game in the hotel, coach Marco Rose had vowed to make amends with referee Matthias Jöllenbeck, but a few hours later the plan had already failed. The emotional Leipzig coach was shown a yellow card in the 3-2 win in the top match at Bayer Leverkusen and had to watch most of the game from the stands.

"I have to take that completely on myself. The new rules are clear. I wanted to make brief contact with him after the first yellow card. That didn't work out," Rose explained the scene on Sky TV, adding: "I accept that. I deserved it in that situation." Meanwhile, Jöllenbeck was already tuned in and listening.

Rose apologizes: It was clear what was coming

Rose had already seen four yellow cards in the previous season and therefore had to spend a game in the stands. "The funny thing is: we met at lunchtime today, we were in the same hotel as the referees. I said: This year things are different. Now I have to apologize and correct myself, because in the end it was clear what was coming," said Rose: "I accept the yellow-red card, I vow to do better. I am me. If I do shit, then I can admit it. In this case, I did that."

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