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How to cool the body down in extreme heat

Symbolic image heat / pixabay LoggaWiggler
Symbolic image heat / pixabay LoggaWiggler

Temperatures rise to over 30 degrees in summer. Not everyone has air conditioning. This remedy will get you through the hot days.

When temperatures rise above 30 degrees, many people look for ways to cool down their bodies efficiently. A simple but effective tip: a cool foot bath. But why is it so helpful?

A cool footbath offers a quick way to cool down. The blood circulation in the feet is strong and immersion in cold water helps to quickly lower the body temperature. This cold is distributed throughout the body via the bloodstream and provides pleasant refreshment. The footbath then acts like an air conditioner.

Practical and inexpensive, a cool footbath only requires a bowl, cold water and possibly a few ice cubes. It is an uncomplicated method that can be done anywhere. A cool footbath also has a mentally relaxing effect. It offers a short break from everyday life and helps to relieve stress.

In hot weather, the feet and ankles can swell. A cool foot bath can help to reduce this swelling and increase comfort. Cooling your feet before going to bed also promotes a more restful sleep, as the lowered body temperature makes it easier to fall asleep.

Foot baths also promote blood circulation. Alternating between cold and lukewarm water can stimulate blood circulation and improve well-being. This method is not only effective, but also a long-established practice in various cultures and medical traditions.

High temperatures can put a lot of strain on the body and lead to heat cramps, heat exhaustion or even heat stroke. It is therefore important to take preventative measures to protect your health and maintain your well-being. A cool foot bath is one such measure that is easy to implement and provides quick relief.

Cool foot baths have a long history in various cultures. In traditional Chinese medicine and other healing practices, foot baths were often used to detoxify and promote general well-being. This tradition has survived to this day and is particularly effective in hot weather.

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