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Support for trees in times of climate change: New watering can hero project in Dresden

Arborists stand on a lifting platform and take samples from a copper beech / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa/Archivbild
Arborists stand on a lifting platform and take samples from a copper beech / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa/Archivbild

In Dresden, 'filling stations' are set up for trees to save them from drying out. Citizens can use rainwater.

Support for trees in times of climate change: numerous "filling stations" for trees are to be set up in Dresden over the coming months. The containers with a capacity of 1000 liters store rainwater, which the population can use to water street trees in the surrounding area and thus save them from drying out. As the organizers announced on Monday, the first container will be tapped on time for Arbor Day this Thursday on the campus of the Technical University of Dresden. The project is called Gießkannenhelden and is a joint project of Stadtentwässerung Dresden and the "Dresden gießt" initiative.

"With climate change, urban greenery is becoming increasingly important for good living and working in an urban environment. Trees provide shade, cool the environment, improve air quality, bind CO2 and make it pleasant to spend time in the city," it said. At the same time, however, the climate crisis is increasingly becoming a deadly threat to the trees themselves. "Heat and drought make them susceptible to pests and diseases and cause them to wither. In order to thrive under these critical conditions, more and more trees need regular irrigation." However, campaigns are often faced with the same problem of where to get the water from.

The reservoirs are provided free of charge for the watering can heroes. The campaign is aimed at residents, businesses, housing cooperatives, daycare centers and schools. Dresden has been inspired by a project from the Ruhr region, where four municipalities are already taking part. In Dresden, at least 100 containers are to be installed over the next two years, which will be connected to the downpipes of houses. The city's drainage department estimates that each container will cost between 800 and 1000 euros. In addition to the material costs of 500 euros, there are also the logistics costs, the company said. Cooperation partners are still being sought to connect the containers.

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