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Another warning strike in local public transport on Friday

A "warning strike" sign in front of a bus. / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
A "warning strike" sign in front of a bus. / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Local public transport in Saxony's cities will come to a standstill again on Friday. The trade union Verdi is dissatisfied with the employers' demands following a negotiation meeting.

The Verdi trade union is once again calling on employees of local public transport companies in Saxony to go on an all-day warning strike on Friday. In addition to Dresden, Chemnitz, Plauen and Zwickau, Leipzig, where the book fair will take place from Wednesday, will also be affected, according to a statement from the union. The reason given for the renewed strike is the lack of appreciation for the work of the employees on the part of the Saxony Municipal Employers' Association (KAV) in the collective bargaining negotiations.

"Instead of providing relief, the employers are demanding that employees work up to 44 hours per week in future," said Paul Schmidt, Verdi department head and lead negotiator, according to the statement. Unlike in the past, this additional work should no longer be compensated in time off, but exclusively in money, which would wear out colleagues who are already under a heavy workload even faster. Schmidt called the demands "short-sighted and irresponsible".

The wage dispute is about the collective wage agreement, which primarily regulates the working conditions for employees. Verdi is demanding, among other things, an increase in vacation entitlement, the introduction of time bonuses for Saturday work or overtime pay. The KAV Saxony had canceled a round of negotiations scheduled for the end of February 28. The new date was set for March 19.

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