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MDR says goodbye to "Polizeiruf" from Halle

MDR says goodbye to "Polizeiruf" from Halle. (Archive photo) / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa
MDR says goodbye to "Polizeiruf" from Halle. (Archive photo) / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

To mark the 50th anniversary of "Polizeiruf 110", new detectives took up the investigation in Halle an der Saale. This will come to an end after three episodes. Is there a follow-up project?

The MDR is saying goodbye to "Polizeiruf 110" from Halle after three episodes. The crime series with detectives Henry Koitzsch (Peter Kurth) and Michael Lehmann (Peter Schneider) was planned as a trilogy from the outset and will therefore end with the third episode in 2026, said MDR program director Jana Brandt. There are currently no plans for a follow-up project.

The investigative duo was launched in 2021 to mark the 50th anniversary of the "Polizeiruf" series. The script was written by Leipzig-based author Clemens Meyer and directed by Thomas Stuber. The last film, entitled "Der Schlüsselmacher", is due to be shot this year.

New regional crime dramas from Görlitz and Thuringia

MDR is also producing "Polizeiruf" from Magdeburg and a "Tatort" from Dresden. In February and March, new episodes of the regional crime series "Wolfsland" from Görlitz and "Tod am Rennsteig" from Thuringia will be broadcast on television.

Aside from fictional material, MDR is planning thematic focuses this year on anniversaries such as 35 years of German reunification, 500 years of the Peasants' War or the end of the Second World War 80 years ago.

More dialog with the audience

An important topic for the broadcaster is also contact with its audience. Users should be involved in the development of content at an early stage, said Astrid Plenk, Director of the Thuringia State Broadcasting Corporation. In dialog with viewers and listeners, the aim is to find out stories that MDR has not yet told.

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