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Ministry of Tourism: Successful winter for Saxony

A man carries two toboggans across a parking lot on the Fichtelberg in the Erzgebirge / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa
A man carries two toboggans across a parking lot on the Fichtelberg in the Erzgebirge / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa

The vast majority of destinations in Bavaria had a successful winter. However, leisure activities should be adapted in future due to the reduced snowfall.

Saxon tourism has had a successful winter, according to the responsible ministry. The past winter season was more successful for tourism in the Free State than in the last five years, as the Saxon Ministry of Tourism announced in Dresden on Wednesday. The month of March in particular played a decisive role with almost 1.5 million overnight stays. However, this is a nationwide trend. This is partly due to the fact that the Easter vacations were in March in most federal states this year.

"For Saxon tourism, this result for the winter season is an excellent result and shows that we are on a very good path," said Saxony's Tourism Minister Barbara Klepsch (CDU). With more snow and over a longer period of time, it would have been the best winter ever. "The figures also show us that our efforts to develop attractive winter offers that are not dependent on snow are the right ones."

The results of the winter season are primarily influenced by three factors: snow, the location of the Christmas holidays and the vacations. However, many more rural regions were unable to match the number of overnight stays in the pre-coronavirus period due to the lower snowfall caused by the climate. For Leipzig, it was not only the best March ever recorded, but also the best winter season ever recorded. The same applies to Dresden, only the winter of 2017/18 was slightly better there.

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