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Leipzig plans first mobile drug consumption room in the state

Leipzig plans first mobile drug consumption room. (Symbolic image) / Photo: picture alliance / dpa
Leipzig plans first mobile drug consumption room. (Symbolic image) / Photo: picture alliance / dpa

Saxony's first mobile drug consumption room is to be built in Leipzig. The trial operation is scheduled to start in 2025 and improve the situation of those affected.

The city of Leipzig is planning the first mobile drug consumption room in the Free State of Leipzig. According to the city, this will have a positive impact on the health situation of those affected, offer improved protection against infection and can prevent health emergencies. The aim is also to curb open drug scenes and reduce risks to the public and public order. The city council is to decide on the trial operation in October.

Drug consumption rooms are contact points for hard-to-reach users and those who consume drugs on the street and under other risky conditions, the statement continued.

The Saxon state government published the Saxon Drug Consumption Room Ordinance a few days ago. This makes it possible for the first time in the new federal states to establish this proven concept of survival support. In Leipzig, the Center for Drug Help at the St. Georg Municipal Hospital in Leipzig is to be commissioned to set up the facility. The preparatory work and planning should take place in the first half of 2025. An accompanying evaluation is planned.

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