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German Red Cross Saxony supports flood areas in Baden-Württemberg

The logo and lettering of the German Red Cross (DRK) can be read on an emergency vehicle. / Photo: Frank Molter/dpa
The logo and lettering of the German Red Cross (DRK) can be read on an emergency vehicle. / Photo: Frank Molter/dpa

The DRK Saxony sends 86 construction dryers to Rudersberg in the Rems-Murr district to combat the effects of flooding.

The German Red Cross Saxony is supporting flood areas in Baden-Württemberg. On Wednesday, 86 construction dryers were sent to Rudersberg (Rems-Murr district) in one of the flood-affected areas, according to the Saxony Red Cross.

"We are proud to be able to bring not only material assistance, but also hope to the people in the affected areas," said Lars Werthmann, Chief Logistics Officer at the Saxony Red Cross. The construction dryers are indispensable for quickly drying the houses and buildings damaged by the floods and enabling those affected to quickly return to normality.

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